I'd like to talk to you about a wonderful young man called Andruis.
He was born on New Year's Eve in the year 2000, in a country where disabilities are not celebrated. I don't know the exact circumstances of his birth, but chances are that when he was born with Down Syndrome, the doctors urged his parents to leave him and forget about him.

His parents were probably told that he would never amount to anything, that they wouldn't afford his care, and that they should go home and try for another child. While this seems harsh in this day and age, we have to remember that it wasn't all that long ago that parents in the United Kingdom, USA and other so called civilized countries were told the very same thing. Not only were the children confined to institutions, they were also experimented on, as if they were animals.
Thankfully, this state of affairs has changed in recent years in many countries, and children with disabilities are now, on the whole, treated just like, well, children ! It is my hope that in time, other countries will also change their views, and that all children around the world will be valued, however many chromosomes they may have.
Sadly, Andruis is running out of time.
U.S. Immigration laws do not currently allow the international adoption of children over the age of 16 years. This means that Andruis has less than
7 months
to find a family.
While it is true that he lives in a "family style" group at his institution, he still doesn't have a family. He does attend a nearby school for children with special needs, and participates in many activities and therapies.

However, at the age of 21 he will move to the adult wing of the same institution, and will spend the rest of his life there.
Andruis deserves so much more.
He deserves a family.
As well as having Down Syndrome, Andruis is hearing impaired - a family who could teach him sign language, and give him the opportunity to communicate, would open up his world to a whole new level !!
Please click HERE to read more about Andruis - another family adopted from his institution a couple of years ago, so there is quite a lot of information about him, thankfully.
Also - and this is HUGE - he has a $21,559.50 adoption grant available to help pay the cost of his adoption !!!!!
Please see Andruis today.

Please share him - share his profile on Reece's Rainbow - share this blog - shout about him - get him SEEN !!!
Please don't let him age out, never to know the love of a mommy or daddy.

Please see Andruis today.